What is a chemical peel?
Peels are chemical solutions used to exfoliate and enhance skin turnover, improving the appearance of the skin.
What is a VI Peel?
A VI Peel is a medium-depth chemical peel that penetrates your top layer of skin, called the epidermis, reaching into the dermis underneath. It uses a product trademarked by Vitality Institute Medical Products.
Like other chemical peels, a VI Peel works by exfoliating your skin and stimulating the production of new proteins. The procedure is commonly used to treat signs of aging, improve skin texture, and correct pigmentary issues.
The product used in VI Peels is made up of a blend of ingredients that include:
VI Peels are gentle enough that they can safely be used on your face, chest, eyelids, hands, and back. According to the Vitality Institute, this type of peel can be used on all skin types and tones.
VI Peel Benefits
A VI Peel offers benefits similar to those of other light to medium chemical peels. Let’s look at some of the most common conditions it’s used to treat.
Fine lines and wrinkles
Chemicals peels break down your top layers of skin cells. This breakdown can stimulate your body’s natural healing process and the production of new collagen and elastin.
Collagen and elastin are the two key proteins that give your skin its structure and elasticity. Loss of these proteins contributes to the formation of wrinkles. VI Peels and other superficial to medium-depth chemical peels aren’t effective for removing deep wrinkles or sagging skin.
Treating sun spots and discoloration
Chemical peels can potentially help you lighten areas of skin darkened by sun damage or skin conditions like melasma. Ingredients in VI Peels is phenol. Phenol is one of the most effective ingredients used in chemical peels for treating freckles and discoloration.
Treating keratosis pilaris
Some of the active ingredients in a VI Peel, such as salicylic acid, may help break down bumps caused by keratosis pilaris (chicken skin). Keratosis pilaris is a common condition in which dead skin cells clog hair follicles and produce bumps that resemble the skin of a plucked chicken.
Does VI Peel treat acne?
A VI Peel and other light to medium chemical peels are often used to improve acne. Salicylic acid, one of the key ingredients in a VI Peel, is also one of the best treatments for acne scars.
Chemical peels can treat acne in a number of ways, including:
- Reducing oil production
- Killing bacteria
- Reducing inflammation
Breaking down your outer layer of skin
reducing your number of clogged poors